Thursday 23 January 2014


Care to Comfort
Your nightly rest can be divided into three phases: relaxing, falling asleep and sleeping.
It is conducive to sleep to let your mind come to rest before going to sleep. An adjustable bed offers you the option to spend another half an hour in a comfortable position, reading (choose a reading lamp that lights only the pages), watching TV or talking without having to struggle with propped-up pillows and other primitive devices. An adjustable base should not only raise the upper body, but also the legs, ideally with a bend where the knees are. If the part of the base under the legs cannot be raised, you will slide slowly but surely downwards.
Falling asleep
It is difficult to determine the transition between being awake and sleeping. It is more of a gradual process than an abrupt switch. Our body temperature falls and the memory function changes. We slowly become less aware of our surroundings. In order to lower the body temperature, the body releases water vapour in the form of perspiration. That water vapour evaporates on the skin, drawing heat from the body.
Sleep is a state of physical rest and a low level of consciousness. In general, sleep is assumed to have a restorative function for the mind and body.

Monday 20 January 2014

Suffering with Back Pain.. a must read

Adjustable Beds and Back Pain 

Beds with horizontal flexible wooden or plastic slats, which can also be adjusted in different ways to raise the head, back or feet, have proven to offer the most appropriate kind of support to the spine.

When buying a bed and mattress, it is important to consider not just aesthetics or comfort, but also health issues. This is true not only when we are ill, but also when we are enjoying perfect health.

The elasticity of the slat base under the mattress plays a very important role in the distribution of pressure points, which are related to the deformation of the spine.

As it is well know, the inter vertebral disk with its cartilaginous mass and fibrous rings is particularly sensitive to poor positioning caused by unbalanced pressures such as leaning more to one side than the other or weighing more on one side than the other. This imbalance causes nutritional disorders and dehydration of the disk tissue.

Something as simple as sitting down for long periods of time, day after day, contributes to the formation of a herniated disk. This can cause severe back or neck pain and discomfort. Therefore, a physiological position that relieves pressure on the spine is especially important at night. Both very hard and very soft bed bases have negative effects, in fact contributing to the deformation of the spine.

This is why waterbeds and inflexible inner spring mattresses are not, in most cases, appropriate for the spine. This is especially useful for patients suffering from certain kinds of illnesses, back pain among them.
Inclining (raising) the upper body is of therapeutic importance for certain cardiac conditions, while patients with chronic venous insufficiency benefit most from raising the lower extremities.

In addition to the bed support (slat base), the mattress plays a very important role. It should be neither very hard nor very soft.

Adjustable Beds And Your Health

The stress a back has to endure

Numerous factors can cause back pain, including poor posture, lifting an unbalanced load, sitting for many hours, insufficient movement, and excessive body weight. The consequence is damage to the shock-absorbing disks that cushion the vertebrae. In order for disks to regenerate by replenishing the liquid that fills them, the spine must be in a horizontal position with the appropriate support.

The anatomically correct position

The spine and muscle structure of the back can truly rest only in an appropriate sleep position with proper support. Our adjustable beds offers healthy beds, which consist of flexible slatted bed bases and their corresponding mattresses that offer the necessary, healthy support. For additional comfort we have adjustable slat bases.

This support, which must follow the spine's natural "S" shape, is the most important factor in maintaining spinal health and improving back problems.

Monday 13 January 2014


If you, or your loved ones, are bothered by snoring, the answer may be as simple as the bed you sleep on. Studies have shown that sleeping on an adjustable bed can help reduce snoring. According to the studies, sleeping at an elevated angle can help to open up the airways, which often results in the reduction of snoring. 

It’s important to note that extreme snoring may indicate a serious medical condition called Sleep Apnea. Anyone with this type of snoring problem should be under the care of a physician. But for most of us, with just the typical snoring issues, sleeping in an upright position can make a big difference. 

The only way to maintain a sleeping position at the proper angle is with an adjustable bed. There are, of course, many other benefits to adjustable beds. Health issues such as back and neck pain, fibromyalgia, acid reflux, and many others have been shown to benefit from sleeping on an adjustable bed. 

With all the benefits of sleeping on an adjustable bed, the obvious question is why doesn’t everyone do it? While more and more people are making the switch; for many of us, moving away from what we have always known can be difficult. We may understand that there is a better choice, but changing from what is familiar can make us uncomfortable. 

When it comes to our bodies though, the benefits of making the switch are well worth it. People who sleep on adjustable beds 
can’t believe the difference both in comfort and in the rejuvenating quality of the sleep. 

And you just might find that it helps your snoring as well.