Monday 13 January 2014


If you, or your loved ones, are bothered by snoring, the answer may be as simple as the bed you sleep on. Studies have shown that sleeping on an adjustable bed can help reduce snoring. According to the studies, sleeping at an elevated angle can help to open up the airways, which often results in the reduction of snoring. 

It’s important to note that extreme snoring may indicate a serious medical condition called Sleep Apnea. Anyone with this type of snoring problem should be under the care of a physician. But for most of us, with just the typical snoring issues, sleeping in an upright position can make a big difference. 

The only way to maintain a sleeping position at the proper angle is with an adjustable bed. There are, of course, many other benefits to adjustable beds. Health issues such as back and neck pain, fibromyalgia, acid reflux, and many others have been shown to benefit from sleeping on an adjustable bed. 

With all the benefits of sleeping on an adjustable bed, the obvious question is why doesn’t everyone do it? While more and more people are making the switch; for many of us, moving away from what we have always known can be difficult. We may understand that there is a better choice, but changing from what is familiar can make us uncomfortable. 

When it comes to our bodies though, the benefits of making the switch are well worth it. People who sleep on adjustable beds 
can’t believe the difference both in comfort and in the rejuvenating quality of the sleep. 

And you just might find that it helps your snoring as well.

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